Continuing with the concern of an optimal nutrition for the small children, we have our own kitchen at school; in this way we ensure that all food is prepared every day with fresh products and in compliance with all food safety regulations. Our sostenibility policy leads us to use exclusive fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables and to collaborate with the local shops which provide us the best products of our land.
We present you the cook:

We offer to the families two types of weekly menus: one for 6-12 months and the other since 12 months of age. This ones we can combine according to the needs of each child
Special menus:
We have menus adapted for children with allegies or intolerances. For example, gluten-free, lactose-free, and others.
Eating habits
During the first 12 months of life, the child yet had experimeted some changes in the eating with the introduction of new flavors and aliments. At 5 months the child had discovered the spoon by introducing porridge into their diets and, since 8 months take foods such as egg yolk, liver, etc, which contribute to their diet being more varied.
In fact, when the child turns one year old, he/she eats practically everything: milk, milk products, meat, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, bread and cereals. At this age, the child ikes playing with the food and he/she eats with their finger.
While he/she is turning to the second year, he/she adquires the ability to take the spoon, so we have to allow him/her to eat alone.
At first, the child won’t do quite well, and it’s more probably to throw more food than he/she’s able to introduce to the mouth. However, around the age of 15 months, many children are able, if we teach them, to eat alone without any difficulty. So, in this way, the child turns to eat with the help of an adult to starting using alone the cutlery.
Some eating habits:
– To bite well the aliments, without rush.
– To be quite at the table without playing neither being rude.
– To order the quantity they will eat, and to not play with the food.
– To respect the eating hour and don’t eat between meals.
– To value the importance of an healthy, equilibrated and varied food. Encouraging them to eat everything without forcing and encouraging them to try unknown dishes.
– To drink water all day, about a liter and half.
– Encourage them to make breakfast as healthy as possible, avoiding industrial cookies products. We need to teach them what it is the best way to follow a heathy and natural diet.
Next, we tell you one of the food methods that we make use at TIC-TAC:
The baby led weaning method
Here we show you some of the rules for starting the complementary food with solids for babies:
– The child should be the one who manage his/her own feeding process and the adult only facilitates it to them.
– The baby must sit without help.
– We have to offer the food to the child without forcing him/her to eat.
– We try to eat together and don’t leaving him/her alone.
– First we offer the breast milk and then the food.
– The adult needs to know the Heimlich maneuver for babies.
– Little by little we offer him/her different foods always watching for possible allergies.
– At first, it is important not to mix solid food with the crushed one.
– It is important no to distract the child during the meals.
For more information we let you some books that it could help you:
Se me hace bola (Julio Basulto)
Mi niño no me come ( Carlos Gonzàlez)
Aprender a comer solo ( Lídia Folgar)
Sin diendtes y a bocados ( Juan Llorca)
Mis recetas adaptades a Baby Led Weaning (Adriana Palazon)